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The 5-Phases of Patient Health & Safety

The Healing Tree Center is not merely the supportive environment for patient self-discovery and healing. It isn’t just the relaxing meditative spaces, the enveloping natural tranquility of the beautiful environment of Costa Rica, or the “welcoming to all” attitude delivered by its knowledgeable staff to those seeking honesty and non-judgement. The Healing Tree Center is a reflection of all of these supportive elements within a greater system that values, honors, and ensure patient safety as well as comfort.
Work at The Healing Tree Center is done in an environment of harmonious collaboration with and amongst authentic Peruvian shamans, licensed on-site medical staff, caring and responsive ceremony facilitators, pure and tested medicine Ayahuasca, and the most important collaborator in any healing journey: the patient.
For patient health and safety, The Healing Tree Center blends both ancient and modern practiced in their special 5-Phase approach for treatment with the medicine Ayahuasca that begins long before participants even arrive to the treatment center.

  • Phase One:     Physical, Spiritual & Mental Pre-Preparation
  • Phase Two:    Collaboration with Health Providers
  • Phase Three: Collection of Ceremony-Specific Health Information
  • Phase Four:   Ceremony Debriefing
  • Phase Five:    Pre-Ceremony Vitals Check with The Healing Tree Center’s Medical Nurse

Phase One: Physical, Spiritual & Mental Pre-Preparation

Patient Physical Preparation Includes:

1 week prior to the treatment with the medicine Ayahuasca.

  • Following the mandatory Diet (listed in detail on each retreat description page on The Healing Tree Center’s website:
  • Safe cessation of all medications, pills, herbal remedies, vitamins, drugs; the cessation timelines and methods should be as recommended by prescribing physician or manufacturer. This may be more than one week depending on the substance. Patients should contact with a list of all medication names, doses and dates last taken for review.

Patient Spiritual & Mental Preparation includes:

  • Following, or beginning, any form of awareness-based, spiritual or relaxation practice that is comfortable for or familiar to the patient. Such practices may include: writing in a journal, daily affirmations, visualizations, meditation, prayer, energy work or yoga. Maintaining a healthy sleep routine: winding down practices, limiting screen time before bed, and getting sufficient rest at night or restorative naps during the day.
  • Organizing any last-minute work or travel requirements, reservations or bookings, delegating any responsibilities, finishing any assignments or projects, setting up auto-replies for emails so patients can focus on relaxing during their retreat.

Phase Two: Collaboration with Health Providers

Patient Preparation Includes:

  • Obtaining and providing to The Healing Tree Center a recent Medical Certificate of Health and Wellness (e.g. a doctor’s fit note) from the patient’s doctor or specialist. Titles of this certificate may vary by country. In essence, it is a written note stating proof by recent medical evaluation and exam (not more than 30 days old) undertaken by a licensed doctor which indicates that the patient is healthy and without any illnesses.

Phase Three: Collection of Ceremony-Specific Health Information

The day of the treatment with the medicine Ayahuasca. This is collected at your arrival at our retreat center.
Patient Preparation Includes:

  • Completing of The Healing Tree Center’s Patient Medical History Questionnaire: Medical Questionnaire This Questionnaire obtains additional patient health history regarding the 3 realms of physical, spiritual, & mental preparedness, and any health changes, that will be used in patient treatment programs with the medicine Ayahuasca.

Phase Four: Ceremony Debriefing

The day of the treatment with the medicine Ayahuasca. The participant and all staff involved engage in an information session before the ceremony commences.
Patient Preparation Includes:

  • Introductions and explanation of roles and responsibilities so patients know who is assisting them, and how, so that they feel comfortable, prepared, and well taken care of.
  • Explanation of how the ceremony will proceed (ceremony start and completion times, ceremony length, order of events) and tips on patient ceremony management.
  • Review of The Healing Tree Center’s policies, and checks for adherence (all paperwork completed in full, no prohibited items in participants possession). Participants to review Patient Policies: Patient Policies regarding items and substances which patients are prohibited from bringing into Healing Tree Center property during retreats, as well as consequences of bringing said items on-site.

Phase Five: Pre-Ceremony Vitals Check with The Healing Tree Center’s Medical Nurse

The day of the treatment with the medicine Ayahuasca, 30 minutes before the medicine is administered. The Healing Tree Center’s Medical Nurse performs an exam and standard vitals check. This is the final part of the medical pre-screening process.
Patient Preparation Includes:

  • Participating in a short exam which checks for fitness, specific Ayahuasca readiness, and any changes in health since previous exams.